NAACP ACT-SO Clothing Drive

February 2, 2025

Meet us at The Kennedy Center parking lot in Willingboro from 1 PM to 3 PM! Clean out your closet and make a difference by donating your clothes, shoes, bags, or any TEXTILES! Your contribution will go towards supporting the students in ACT-SO. 

What is ACT-SO 

ACT-SO is an acronym that stands for Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics. It is a student enrichment program that culminates in a local and national competition where students compete for awards, and prizes totaling over $300,000. ACT-SO, often referred to as the "Olympics of the Mind", seeks to promote the following among high school students.

The ACT-SO program centers around the dedication and commitment of community volunteers and business leaders; to serve as mentors and coaches to promote academic and artistic excellence among high school students. Students who participate in ACT-SO compete with other students locally (local winners nationally) in up to 3 of 33 categories which includes STEM, Humanities, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Business and Culinary Arts. The local competition serves to showcase the hard work students have put in all year long. Students also have the opportunity to win medals, prizes & scholarships locally & nationally. At our ACT-SO meetings and workshops, we will teach students how to successfully compete against counterparts by inspiring them to do their absolute best, and teaching the importance of preparation and presentation. ACT-SO pushes students to reach their maximum potential.

Enrichment Workshops

Throughout the year we offer enrichment workshops, geared to help, teach and guide the student for success in our program but also in life. It is important that students know about this opportunity and skills designed to help them achieve their dreams. We are committed to fostering a supportive and enriching environment for young learners. A few examples of our upcoming workshops are: 

2024 - 2025 Registration Deadline is January 31, 2024

2025 National Competition will be in CHARLOTTE, NC!

Jul 9 – 13, 2025

Donate today to help our students get to the national competition.


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